Starting afresh!
[Sunday, 01th May 2022]

Hi folks!

After some time without an Internet presence, here's my new webpage. There's mainly old/legacy stuff here, but also a few new things:

  • Some Music. For now, there's only the song "Nuance" , but I've been making music all the time, collecting dust on my harddisk. Hopefully I can upload some of it in the time to come.
  • RadarVolumeExplorer , a 3D visualization software of radar data. Made for educational purposes
  • While I didn't update libmodplay (my MOD/XM/S3M playing library), I used it to create a plugin for foobar2000 , my favourite music player.

Thanks to the wayback machine, you can still see my old webpage , dated back to 2004. Those were the times...